
Mathematics Day (22/12/19)
Mathematics Day Celebrated at Indian School Salalah
Indian School Salalah celebrated Mathematics Day on December 22nd 2019, to commemorate the 132nd birth anniversary of the great Mathematical genius, Shri Srinivasa Ramanujan who made exemplary contribution to Mathematics.
Programmes and winners
1. Welcome speech : Mast. Kashif
2. Tongue twister by Miss. Aimen
3. Puzzle solving competition
Winner : Miss. Maryam (Class 9)
4. Rubik’s Cube competition
Winners : Class 3 and 4
Mast. Giridhar Sasikumar
Mast. Mohummed Anfas
Winners : Class 5 and 6
Mast. Melvin Monson John
Miss. Darshana Sandeep
Winners : Class 7 and 8
Mast. Abhinav Sunil Prasad
Mast. Anshmilan
Winners : Seniors
Mast. Akshaiy
Mast. Sanatan Shenoy
5. Math Quiz by Quiz Master Naman Verma
Winners : Mast Adesh Anil Agte
Mast Mohd. Shaz were winners.
6. ‘Luck in your Hands’- Bingo Game a tambola game
Winner : Miss Liyana (Class 10)
7. Power point presentation by Mast Samved Shaji Nambiar and Miss Ann Rose Siby
Topic : “Connection of Math and Astronomy”
8. Demonstration on ‘Medical Application of an Ellipse’ by Mast Parth, Mast Bavish and Mast Saadallah Shaukat
9. Origami session ‘Identify the Object’
10. Prize distribution to winners by Mrs. Ananthalaxmi(AVP), Mr. Narayanankutty (HOD), Mrs. Winnifred Lobo and Mrs. Kalpana Jacob did the honors.
11. Vote of Thanks proposed by Mast Noel P. John

Mathematics Club Programme [5/10/19]
Class: VII & VIII
Indian School Salalah Department of Mathematics conducted the Mathematics club activities for classes 5 and 8 on Saturday, 5th October 2019 morning 8am to 10am. More than 40 students attended the programme in classes 7 and 8 and more than 85 students in classes 5 and 6. Different types of activities were conducted in the presence of Principal, Mr. Deepak Patanker, Vice Principal, Dr. Srinivasan, Assistant Vice Principal, Mrs. Ananthalakshmi and Head of the Department. Mr.T.K.N Kutty.
Activity 1: Mind Calculation Quiz
Mrs.Sumanna Nayak, Mathematics Teacher, conducted Mind calculation Quiz. Students were shown 15 questions on the screen. Each question lasted for 5sec .Master Abhinav of class VIII G became the winner of the quiz by getting 12 correct answers.
Activity 2: Game
Who will be a BMW? (Best Multiplication Wizard)
Mr. Sunilkumar, Mathematics Teacher, explained the rules and regulations of the game. In this game students were divided into 5 groups with 8 students in each group. The members of the group can prompt and help the leader to get the correct perfect square. The team with maximum perfect squares would be the winner. The winners were given a certificate congratulating and wishing them to be the owners of BMW in future.
Activity 3: Paper folding Activity: Making of a moving triangle.
Mr. Rahumathullah, Mathematics Teacher, demonstrated Paper folding activity. In this activity children were expected to listen to the instructions carefully and follow the same to get a moving triangle.
Class.V & VI
Mrs.SumaUddaraju, Mathematics Teacher steered this activity. Students were shown 12 Math Anagrams on the screen for about 15 minutes. They were asked to write the correct (Unscrambled) words in their notebooks.
Mr.Muhammed Azad Ullah, Mathematics Teacher, demonstrated this activity. They were explained the method of making symmetric patterns with different types of dots and the importance of making Rangoli patterns.
Activity 3: COLOUR ME AND FIND OUT WHO AM I? (Colouring puzzle)
Mr.Muhammed Azad Ullah, Mathematics Teacher, demonstrated this activity .In this activity children were given an interesting colouring math multiplication puzzle.

MATHS CLUB MEET [CLASSES 5 & 6], 2018 – 2019
DATE: 02.2.2019
Mathematics department held its first Maths Club meet for classes 5th and 6th on 2nd February 2019. Dr. Sivaprsad [Vice Principal Academics], Mrs.Ananthalakshmi [Assistant Vice Principal Middle section], Mr. Narayanankutty [Head of the Department] and all the teachers teaching these classes were present for the meet. 71 students of classes V and VI in total attended the meet. Due to space constraint, the students were distributed into two different rooms where the activities were simultaneously held and conducted by the teacher incharges Mrs. Suma and Mrs. Stella.
The session started with a Relay game in both the rooms. The students were divided into two groups (Odd number group and Even number group). Each student of the group had to choose a question and answer it quickly and correctly. The team that answered maximum number of questions correctly was declared as the winner.
Number search puzzle and Multiplication crossword was solved by the students with lot of enthusiasm and interest. First five winners were appreciated for their speed calculation in solving multiplication crossword and their eagle eyes in completing the number search puzzle.
Later in the session Mr.Asad Ullah a mathematics teacher, gave the students an experience of creating inked thread symmetry (string art) on their own. He taught them step wise to create their symmetrical designs by dipping the thread in the ink provided to them. Students prepared greeting cards with their own designs and enjoyed playing with ink. It was a wonderful and first of its kind experience to the children.
The session proved to be educational, useful and entertaining. The students expressed their views that they look forward to many more such meet.

Maths Day Celebration
DATE : 20-12-2018
Famed Mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan’s birth anniversary on December 22 is celebrated as National Mathematics Day and Indian School Salalah celebrated the National Mathematics Day with great enthusiasm and vigour on Thursday, 20 December 2018 in the school auditorium. The celebration was graced by the presence of the Principal, Mr. T.R. Brown, Vice- Principals, Dr. S. Srinivasan and Dr. Shiva Prasad , Asst. Vice- Principals Mr. C.T. Ramasamy and Mrs. Ananthalakshmi and Head of the Mathematics Department Mr.T.K.Narayanankutty.
The commemoration began with the welcome address by Master Jatin Soni of Class 9 B. This was followed by a remarkable and enlightening power point presentation by Master. Saketh and Master. Abhinav of Class 11. The presentation was on “The beauty of Mathematics in ancient and modern architecture”. The various genres of architecture like Greek, Egyptian, Islamic, Christian, Indian and Modern were elucidated in an intriguing and stimulating way. The concept of Golden Ratio was fascinating and riveting.
The celebration was made exciting with an array of competitions like Rubik’s Cube Competition, Maths Quiz and Puzzles and Chess Board Puzzle. The prizes to the winners of the Rubik’s Cube competition at the Primary level and classes 5 and 6 were given by Asst. Vice- Principal Middle Section, Mrs Ananthalakshmi. Principal Mr. T.R. Brown gave away the prizes to the winners at the Middle school and Senior School levels. Dr Shiva Prasad, Vice- Principal Academics gave away the prizes to the winners of the quiz competition and Dr. S. Srinivasan, Vice- Principal Administration gave away the prizes to the winners of Chess Board Puzzle.
With an objective of creating awareness about the importance of Mathematics in day to day life situations and also to create an interest in the students to study Mathematics, a compelling and thought provoking skit was put up by the students of Class 7.
A gripping and engrossing session on Origami, the magic of turning a piece of paper into a toy or a pretty decoration was taken by Miss. Janani Srinivasan, Miss Muthu Valliammai and Miss. Charisma Jonanthan of Class 9 G. The students then presented a card and their magnificent creation, paper peacock to the school administrators.
Principal Mr. T.R. Brown in his address congratulated the students and the teachers of the Department of Mathematics for putting up such a wonderful show which was meticulous and professional in all aspects. He also mentioned that this was one of the events that he looked forward to. He advised the students to develop an interest for Mathematics and to love it. Moreover, he insisted that Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) can be learnt at the school level. He was in all praise to the students who conducted the Origami session in such an impeccable manner. He concluded his emphatic speech with a hope to have a Mathematic Wizard in the near future.
Dr. S Srinivsan in his speech expressed his happiness in being a part of such a marvellous event. He advised the students to read the theories and researches of Ramanujan and develop an interest in Mathematics. The anecdotes that Dr. S. Srinivasan shared from the life of Ramanujan were interesting and captivating.
The spellbinding and engaging session came to end with a vote of thanks by Omiya of Class 9 B.

DATE: 08.12.2018
Mathematics department conducted Maths Club program for the classes 7th and 8th on Saturday, 8th December 2018. Mr. Narayanankutty, Head of the Department and all the teachers teaching these classes were present for the programme.
Also Principal Mr. T.R Brown and Assistant Vice Principal Middle Section Mrs. Ananthalakshmi visited and appreciate the students.
35 students of classes VII and VIII attended the meet.
The session started with a Relay game conducted by
Mrs. Sumana, a Mathematics teacher. The students were divided into two groups (Odd number group and Even number group). Each student of the group had to choose a question and answer it quickly and correctly. The team that answered maximum number of questions correctly was declared as the winner.
A presentation about Tessellations was prepared and presented by two students Master Mohammed Waleed and Master Abhinav Sunil Prasad of class 7G. They explained about tessellations, its origin and naming of tessellations. They also talked about the famous tessellation artist M.C.Escher, and some of his famous creations.
Later in the session Mrs Winnifred Lobo a mathematics teacher, gave the students an experience of creating a tessellations on their own. She taught them to make a stencil by tessellating a square to a bird shape. Students prepared their own stencil and made their own tiles of tessellations. Among all the students, Master Kiran. C. Ramesh of class 8B was the first one to complete the beautiful bird tessellation pattern.
Finally, the session was completed with a Crossword Puzzle and Geometrical Word Search. Students were given around 53 words, to search in the word search game. Students completed it enthusiastically.
The session proved to be educational, useful and entertaining. The students expressed their views that they look forward to many more such meet.
Indian School Salalah celebrated Math Day on Dec 21st 2017, to commemorate the 130th birth anniversary of the Indian Mathematician, Srinivasa Ramanujan and to spread the joy of mathematics, stimulate interest and bring out creativity in applying concepts.
The celebration was presided over by the President of the SMC, Dr. Debashish C Bhattacharya, Principal Mr.T R Brown, Vice Principal, Mrs. Omana Mathews, Asst.vice principal, Mr. C T Ramaswamy (Academics) and Asst.Vice Principal, Dr.S.Srinivasan (Admin).
Miss. Ayushi Pragya formally extended her cordial welcome to the gathering. The President and the Principal then unveiled the portrait of the mathematical genius, Sir. Srinivasa Ramanujan, fantastically painted by Mast. Abhinav of class 8. A shawl was draped on Vice Principal, Mrs.Omana Mathews, as a special mark of respect by the Maths department for her untiring 36 years of service to the institution.
The program commenced with a powerpoint presentation by Mast. Mihir Rawat, Mast. Sharon and Mast. Anek Santhosh, summarizing the life of the man who knew infinities, which kept the audience awestruck. This was followed by a mesmerizing Magic Square Dance by the girls of class 8, where the Principal was asked to tell out a magic constant 36 (multiple of 3) and the girls formed a magic square through their dance. In the much awaited mind-boggling Sudoku Contest, Miss Ann Maria and Miss Akhila Anup won the 1st and 2nd prize, respectively, in the junior category. In the senior category, Miss Riya Jacob won the 1st place, cracking the puzzle in just 1:15 s and Miss Sarvani falling close behind with a timing of 1:20s.
The Skit performed by the students of class 7 and 8 brought on to stage the entire life history of Sir Srinivasa Ramnajun. Though Ramanujan had no formal training in pure mathematics; he made significant contributions to mathematical analysis, number theory, infinite series, and continued fractions. His love for Math was so much that he failed in most of the other subjects in school!
This was followed by the Rubik’s Cube competition won by Miss Srujuna and Mast. Jonathan in the 5th and 6th classes category, Mast.Zeyad and Mast. Adil in the 7th and 8th classes category and Mast. Darin Carvalho solved the cube in 21s breaking the previous records and clinching the first place followed closely by Mast. Ahad Anzar who took 22s.
Miss Linnet Lisa Saju mesmerized the audience with her poem on mathematics. A fun filled origami session was conducted where everyone present made a paper envelope.
The President of the SMC, Dr. Debashish.C. Bhattacharya expressed his views on how no gender was superior to the other and anyone could come up with the right attitude and hard work.
The Maths day celebration 2017 ended with the Vote of Thanks proposed by Miss Bhumi Milan Thanki.

DATE: 09.05.17
Mrs.Meena Venkat (Maths Teacher) prepared a presentation on “women mathematicians’’
Miss Bibiya Biju (V) and Miss Shayesta Fatima (V) demonstrated how to make fish by paper folding.
An interesting riddle and puzzle were given by Mrs.Winnifred Lobo (Maths Teacher) to children to solve.
DATE : 22.12.2016
Maths day was celebrated on 22nd December 2016 in Indian School Salalah. The function was graced by the presence of Mr.Vinay Kumar, Member of the School Management Committee, Mr. T. R. Brown, Principal, Mrs.Omana Mathews, Vice Principal, Mr.S.Srinivasan, Assistant Vice Principal, HODs, In charges, Maths teachers, and the club members.
The event commenced with the welcome address by Miss Aparna of class X
To motivate the young math geniuses and to identify the 'Math Wizard' for 2016-17, a series of aptitude tests were conducted by the Math Department for students of classes IX to XII over a span of 4 weeks. The top 3 scorers, Master Dhiraj (XIIB), Master Mihir Rawat (IXB) and Miss Apoorva Dinesh Singh (XIIB), were qualified for the Math quiz which was the final round of the Math Wizard Competition.
The maths quiz conducted by maths teacher, Mr.T.K.Narayanankutty.
The proud winner of the gripping Math Quiz was Master MihirRawat of class IX
The Principal, Mr.T.R.Brown, declared Miss Apoorva Dinesh Singh of class XII as the “Math Wizard” for the year 2016-17.
To add a festive fervor to the occasion, a mesmerizing dance was performed by the students of class IX, which portrayed the life of Sir Srinivasa Ramanujan, the Man Who Knew Infinity.
Master Darin and Master Krishna of class X captured the audience with an interesting power- point presentation on the “GOLDEN RATIO.”
The fun-filled paper folding activity on ‘How to make a paper diamond’, conducted by Miss Angela of class VIII spread an aura of vibrancy among the audience.
Mr.S.Srinivasan, Asst vice Principal, delivered a speech where he emphasized on learning mathematics beyond the realms of textbooks
The event concluded with the Vote of Thanks by Miss Utkarsha of class X.
DATE: 13.11.16
The activity started with the welcome speech by
Miss Anita Elsa Mathew of class VIII E.
SESSION.I (Mobius strip)
Master Akhil Anil accompanied by Master Franklin Hyacinth Ferrao and Master M.A.Afshin from class VIIC presented a demo and a power point based on Mobius strip, which was highly appreciated by all.
Master Mohammed Rezea Ghazi and Master Richard Tom Jimmy conducted an interesting quiz.
SESSION.III (Paper Diamond)
Miss Angela Mary John and Miss David Nabil from class VIII G demonstrated how to make diamond by paper folding.
Most of the students were successful in making these paper folding.
Miss Serah of class VIII E, proposed the vote of thanks